Tango is so much more than just a dance… There are some essentials underlayered, many people do not see, do not feel, do not know. It is the embrace, it is the connection, it is the walk, which is most fundamental and honest. But there are as well other things that matter. I get intrigued by the idea to find out what those things are ….the most appreciated attributes you look for in your tango partner, leader or follower .
The first 30 seconds in a dance tell me all about the couple and their abilities to enjoy the dance together. Unfortunately his is not always the case. What is it, that leaders expect from followers? What makes followers drawn to a leader?
What does it take to be the perfect tango partner?
I am looking for a better way of understanding between the dancers, in order to receive more quality in the dance. Tango really can be a tranquilizer, a donor for good vibes , a therapy for people who suffer in any sense. Lonely or single people receiving a hug charged with positive energy, can make a change. More people could take profit of it , if they would not miss of some important attributes , that allow to have better connection in the couple.
I got really intrigued by the idea to find out what men and women think of each other. I have ask around a bit between friends and peers, and I will share with you some comments from leaders and followers, about what they are seeking most in their partner. Here, I am focusing purposely on the positive adjectives only. And I am reflecting the little research i made, without insisting to occupy the truth.
Maybe this is inspiring for you to overthink a bit your attitude towards the opposite gender in order to approach your partner in best sense. Check out some most appreciated attributes people like in their tango partner.
8 most appreciated attributes.
Tango leader regarding their tango partner:
- I don’t mind a lady is a beginner, if her charisma is positive and friendly and some kind of connection is possible.
- I like when the lady is soft and feminine in her movements.
- An intimate embrace of the follower is the best.
- When I do not know anyone in the milonga, I prefer to chose a young lady, even she cannot dance.
- I like to dance with beginner ladies, because they make me feel that I am a good dancer.
- I prefer most, when the follower is warm-hearted and has a sympathetic appearance, age doesn’t matter.
- I love when a follower is very secure in the music and supports me by stepping in the beat, but it confuses me when she does her embellishments.
- When a follower is safe in her axis, I can enjoy the dance.
Tango follower regarding their tango partner:
- Most important is that a man is clean, not sweaty and has a nice after shave.
- Best is when a leader has a soft embrace and gives me space to breathe and move .
- Of course the best is an experienced and confident leader, without being arrogant.
- I like when men just lead me well without telling me what to do or teach me.
- It is nice when a leader is not talking and not singing during the dance.
- I like when a man has a clear and on the beat tango walk.
- A leader who respect my axis and not bring me out of balance by doing to difficult moves.
- I love, when he has a good musicality and give me space and time for my improvisation
Feel free to choose for yourself.
My general impression is, that men and women are looking for the same qualities, but have different priorities. Also different levels have different priorities.
Men in general put their preference on human qualities before technical ones. When they are more advanced the technical part will become more important.
First priority for Ladies will be hygiene compared with a comfortable embrace. Advanced ladies will put their preference on musicality.
At the end we can easily check the list and try to fulfil some of the suggestions. Those which fits our situation, our case best.
So easy to make a better tango partner, simply by adopting some attributes for ourselves.
I guess cleanlyness and well groomed for the guys and friendly and sympathetic for the girls is a good start.