You are terribly hooked to wear this super chic stilettos but wonder if you could handle to walk on it without embarrassing yourself? Join me for a 5 minutes daily workout. Your feet will gain strength and flexibility. In some weeks you will start to love your feet because soon you are in control of your […]
awareness of yourself
The cross or “el cruce” – Ladies Tango Techniques 8
Picture this; A couple dancing. The lady is on her walk backward. For your eyes unexpected, she crosses her legs and finished the step in a crossed feet position, thus starts walking with the other leg. While this little ornament attracts your attention, you wonder that she is not stumbling over her feet. “El cruce” or […]
Which style suits my tango? Milonguero-Salon-Nuevo?
“Tango” is not a style. Tango is a culture, a music genre, a dance. When an Argentine tango teacher says he teaches “Tango”, dear, that can be quite confusing. Distinct styles in tango manifest in different artistic interpretations. For my tango education, it is important to know the differences between Traditional Tango or Nuevo Tango, Tango Escenario, […]
Front Ocho – Ladies Tango Techniques 6
One of the most danced figures in argentine tango for the lady is the front ocho, a small figure consisting of two basic technics: a step, please refer to my blog the tango walk (5) and a pivot (2) According to the direction, we differentiate in front ocho or back ocho , (ocho adelante ocho […]
Tango Milonguero 2 : Revealing the secrets of the “abrazo”
When we talk about the “abrazo”, we think of the connection we share with our partner. First, it is a technical connection in order to have a frame, where lead and follow can communicate with each other. The embrace can be open or closed ( abrazo cerrado ) or even some positions in between. While […]
Is learning Tango suitable for couples ? master the challenges
Tango originated under special circumstances, at a time where women were rarely available. Men danced with and learned from each other. They learned to follow first , then to lead. Learning and practicing in an all masculine environment, a possible source for conflicts between genders were not given. Is learning Tango suitable for couples ? […]