When we talk about the “abrazo”, we think of the connection we share with our partner. First, it is a technical connection in order to have a frame, where lead and follow can communicate with each other. The embrace can be open or closed ( abrazo cerrado ) or even some positions in between. While […]
Is learning Tango suitable for couples ? master the challenges
Tango originated under special circumstances, at a time where women were rarely available. Men danced with and learned from each other. They learned to follow first , then to lead. Learning and practicing in an all masculine environment, a possible source for conflicts between genders were not given. Is learning Tango suitable for couples ? […]
Embrace and Connection in Focus – Tango Meditation
In this article everything is about embrace and connection in focus with detailed informations and hints for special problems and gives some simple exercises involving a weight change. The Tango embrace is something very personal. Generally, we can say, we approach each other in the embrace sometimes for very different reasons. 1. Some see the […]
Maestro Gonzalo Robinson in Tango Talks
Maestro Gonzalo Robinson, welcome to Tango Talks. You are a long year tango teacher from the generation around Osvaldo Zotto, Roberto Herrera and Carlos Copello. As a real Milonguero you have spend half your life in the Milongas of Buenos Aires. You have traveled the world of Tango for many years, teaching and transmitting tango and […]
Tangasm only for girls, do leaders sense the tango bliss ?
We have heard about the fact that girls can’t get enough of tango dancing. The sensation they feel during the dance, called tangasm, get them pretty much hooked. But is the tangasm only for girls ?What about the guys? Do leaders sense the tango bliss ? Everything starts with connection, yes…with a perfect embrace with your […]
Blissful moments while dancing Tango ?
As we all know, tango is sensual, social, uplifting, calming and peaceful, and such excitement that you could get obsessed with tango. As a natural follower myself, but also dancing the lead, I have made some interesting observations during my tango life. These give me a special point of view about the differences how we sense […]